2024 International Conference on Advanced Technology of Electrical Engineering and Energy

ATEEE-24 aims to facilitate the dissemination and exchange of recent advancements within the electrical engineering and energy domains, fostering the sharing of experiences and ideas among experts and scholars globally. The conference will showcase innovative developments in power systems, smart grids, renewable energy systems and technologies, electric vehicles, and transportation systems, among others, reflecting a wide array of research and development areas.


ETDIS membership is free of charge and is open to anyone who is working in all Engineering Technologies. You can lend your support to our efforts on behalf of scientists, engineers, educators, and students everywhere by becoming a member.


Our mission is to promote academic communications all over the world. The development and progress of science and technology can be shared by all humanity and bridge the gap between regional and economic development.

2024 International Conference on Image Enhancement and Computer Vision

The conference aims is to provide an ideal platform for researchers, practitioners, and professionals from the industry, academia, and government working in Image Enhancement and Computer Vision to exchange research results and share experiences face-to-face.


About us

The Engineering Technology Development and Innovation Society (ETDIS) is a non-profit and multidisciplinary scientific organization that makes scholarly communications better, including people within all Engineering Technology fields interested in the application and innovation.

Our mission is to promote academic communications all over the world. The development and progress of science and technology can be shared by all humanity and bridge the gap between regional and economic development.

Engineering technology refers to engineering practical technology. Engineering technology, also known as production technology, is a technology applied in industrial production. That is to say, people apply scientific knowledge or use the research results of technological development in industrial production processes to achieve the intended purpose of natural transformation means and methods.


Formally invite you to join your membership in ETDIS!

Members worldwide benefit from ETDIS efforts to advance research in engineering technology and provide avenues for collaboration. Composed of scientists, researchers, students, and professionals worldwide, ETDIS offers a host of programs and benefits designed to enhance and aid your research and scientific inquiry.


    • Prof. Dr. Osman Adiguzel

      Department of Physics, Firat University, TR

    • Dr./Prof. Syed Abdul Rehman Khan

      Brasi School of Supply Chain Management, USA

    • Dr Saeid Kakooei

      Purdue University, USA

    • Syh-Jong Jang

      Center for General Education, Asia University, TW

    • Sergey V. Shaytura

      Russian University of Transport (MIIT), RF


Prof. Dr. Brij B. Gupta

IEEE Senior Member, Asia University, Taichung City, TW

Prof. Dr. Ambo Tuwo

Faculty of Marine and Fisheries Sciences, Hasanuddin University, IND

Prof. Dr. ilhami COLAK

IEEE Senior Member, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Gazi University, TR

Dr. Prof. P Venkatesh

IEEE Senior Member, BOYSCAST Fellow, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, IN

Dr. Syed Abdul Rehman Khan

Brasi School of Supply Chain Management, USA

Dr. David Raisz

IEEE Senior Member, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, HU

Dr. Oveis Abedinia

School of Engineering and Digital Sciences, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Nazarbayev University, KAZ
